Friday, February 9, 2007

Jesus: The Overview

Jesus was hung on the cross for the sins of all people everywhere. After three hours, he hung his head and died. Upon his death the Earth shook ripping the Temple Curtain in half. He was taken immediately to a borrowed tomb where he lay for three days. During this time he went to the realm of the devil and managed to wage a great war with him for his release. He managed to win, and bright early that third day morning he got up. Mary and the others came to the tomb and saw the stone rolled away. Immediately an angel appeared and told them that Jesus had rose. Jesus met up with them later and stayed with them for 40 more days of teaching. He left and in his place came the third part of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, which now resides in the hearts of all of Gods Children everywhere.

What is a Christian?

Have you ever wondered what exactly does it mean to be a Christian? Some people would say that being a Christian is simply trying to live a life in which they try to commit no sin at all. Some would even go to say that being a Christian is simply being someone who is trying to separate themselves completely from the world. Some people even go as far to say it, and they have the audacity to say it with passion, that being a Christian is simply being a hypocrite. Although each of these have some bit of truth, they are not the actual and real definition of being a Christian. In this ever increasing and changing world of ours, the view of a Christian has been contorted from a good Samaritan to one who is an extremist (one who is quite to say that if you do wrong you go to Hades!).

A Christian is simply one who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus was and is the Son of God who was sent into the world to die for the world's sins (both yours and mine that we did in the past, present, and future). I wont go into details now, but Christians believe that he was sent into the world to perform all of these wonderful miracles, to fulfill the many laws (over 100 laws of the Old Testament), the many prophecies of the ancient prophets, and to finally defeat death by dying on the cross, and then rising up from the dead after a few days, and then ascending to heaven. This, my friends, is the foundamental belief of all Christians united.

A Christian who believes in that truth, now has several things that they can do. A Christian has the chance to completely change their life around by doing some of the most fulfilling things: These include living a life to bring God glory, by trying to strive to be Christlike by having a nice and calm personality, practicing tolerance of others, gently sharing his message, helping others, putting their own interests second, and even helping others who are less fortunate and even more fortunate than themselves. If one does only these things, than they are super Christians, for they are believing in the fundamental truth and then also living the way that Jesus wanted them to live.

In conclusion, being a Christian is simply one who believes in the birth, the life, the death, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. All Christians share the belief that Jesus came into the world and died for their sins. His blood was the sacrifice that was paid to God for all of the sins that we made in the past and make in the present and future.